an exhibition of photographic work by
Chip Dumstorf
Fine art photographer Chip Dumstorf began creating photoart lanscapes partly as an escape from his commercial film, design and photography work for brands like Toyota, Interscope Records and Universal Music Group. His work has been featured in galleries and exhibitions in Los Angeles, Yellowstone National Park and Jacksonville, FL.
His latest collection NUBIBUS, which means a state of suspension; nebulous and unfulfilled was created in the fall of 2020. Here Dumstorf explores the magical, almost surreal images, light and compositions from cloud formations that appear during special Meteorologic conditions. These formations can be especially stunning in early morning light of the east coast United States.
The finished work is printed with hands-on attention using archival pigment on rag paper and canvas.
Chip Dumstorf
Fine art photographer Chip Dumstorf began creating photoart lanscapes partly as an escape from his commercial film, design and photography work for brands like Toyota, Interscope Records and Universal Music Group. His work has been featured in galleries and exhibitions in Los Angeles, Yellowstone National Park and Jacksonville, FL.
His latest collection NUBIBUS, which means a state of suspension; nebulous and unfulfilled was created in the fall of 2020. Here Dumstorf explores the magical, almost surreal images, light and compositions from cloud formations that appear during special Meteorologic conditions. These formations can be especially stunning in early morning light of the east coast United States.
The finished work is printed with hands-on attention using archival pigment on rag paper and canvas.