VIA Creative Previously know as Art In Motion, Via Creative is a non-profit organization with the mission to make Lexington a more vibrant, livable city through the fusion of public art, public transit and public spaces. Our local, non-profit organization works to enhance Lexington’s only public transit system—Lextran—through the design and construction of bus shelters that incorporate art, murals, and sculpture. Project Description This proposed bus shelter will be situated on East Main Street, Lexington, Kentucky opposite The Kentucky Theatre which is located at 214 East Main Street. It will serve the westbound ridership. There is currently a bus stop but no shelter.
Design Guidelines We are looking for design submissions that are responsive to the historic nature and architectural design of the Kentucky Theatre. Artists should give consideration to the iconic architecture of the period. We are looking for a shelter design that complements and reflects the theme and architectural style of the Kentucky Theatre. In addition, the shelter should be designed in keeping with the immediate surroundings and create a memorable, sustainable sense of space that is sensitive to the community identity. Transit stops should include sheltered, visible and comfortable seating areas and waiting space. Protection from the sun, wind and rain are very important considerations. Emphasis in this Call for Artists will be to demonstrate ability to design an aesthetically unique; structurally appropriate; feasible to fabricate, bus shelter. Ultimately the design should seek to be of great utility to pedestrians and bus riders. Creativity and imagination are encouraged in the submissions. The chosen design will be architecturally rendered for engineering and construction requirements. Sustainability will also be given consideration. DESIGN SUBMISSION FORM IS BELOW VIA Creative FaceBook page for photographs of their other Lexington Shelters
Stipend The artist whose design is chosen will receive a $500 stipend for their work.
Eligibility Artists and designers must reside within a 150-mile radius of Lexington, KY and submit designs following the instructions as set out on the application form and delivered by the specified deadline.
Deadline Sunday, April 30, 2023 at 11:59pm.
Selection Process Design submissions will be reviewed by representatives of the Public Arts Commission, VIA Creative, Lextran, the Kentucky Theatre and the ridership. Selection will be based on the artistic excellence of the design proposal and adherence to the guidelines.